Tag Archives: data centers

How Useful Is Go4hosting Business Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage will work through virtualization and it will offer end-users with a virtual storage that can be adapted according to their app requirements. So, cloud storage will operate via a web-based API and it provides many more benefits than on-premise storage which is simply focused on creating, deploying and running an in-house storage infrastructure.

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Why should you sign up for business cloud storage?

Business cloud storage, as the name suggests, is meant for businesses so that these can run efficiently. As online storage grew popular for individuals, it was only a matter of time before businesses sought these solutions. Using personal accounts however can leave enterprise clients at risk because the data can be easily compromised. So, businesses sign up for Go4hosting business cloud storage which offers a cloud framework and administration for enterprises. The enterprise cloud is secured behind an effective firewall.

Business cloud storage is not only a facility for storing business data in a centralized location; it also secures this data against potential cyber criminals and hackers. It will also offer the working teams in businesses better ways to collaborate with one another. Workers can learn to work as one cohesive unit to complete projects on time even when they may be based in remote locations. Team members can also alert one another about changes made in their documents. Finally, business cloud storage offers cost-savings since costs of online storage are much lower. Businesses do not have to buy or maintain equipments for storing business data.

Reasons to choose Go4hosting business cloud storage:

  • As far as business cloud storage goes, Go4hosting business cloud storage solutions are perhaps the most trusted solutions in the market. Their enterprise cloud storage provides an easy-to-use online administrative interface. You are relieved of the responsibilities of management because of features like collaboration, enhanced productivity and secure file sharing. Go4hosting offers better flexibility and scalability while also ensuring integration into private and public clouds. It deploys strict security measures to ensure that its business cloud storage solutions can offer user-friendly and secure backups.
  • Traditional storage in localized Hard Disk Drives of HDDs was prone to data losses. Probably the biggest drawback of the traditional data storage model was that data could not be shared or accessed when you were on the go or from remote places because data was only stored in local devices. In comparison, Go4hosting business cloud storage is much more convenient as it offers flexibility to access and share data all across the world through web-based devices. Besides, data stored in the cloud is much safer than data in the traditional hard drive.
  • Your storage system must be scalable so that you can scale it up and down in order to cater to your changing business needs. With Go4hosting business cloud storage you can place unlimited data in a secure environment.
  • In order to offer clients a reliable, secure and super-fast user experience, while at the same time lowering operational costs and improving resource efficiency, this web hosting company has identified the needs accurately to replace the earlier less-reliable public connections with robust and secure internet connectivity.
  • Go4hosting business cloud storage offers easy accessibility to data which in turn can improve work efficiency.
  • Go4hosting is also known for its state-of-the-art infrastructure which allows easy scaling up and down of resources to satisfy fluctuating business requirements.
  • Since the company offers predictable pricing solutions, it is indeed possible to forecast your expenses. You will not have to deal with any additional surcharge.
  • Technical support is something that you can count on when you sign up for business cloud storage plans from Go4hosting. This hosting provider has teams of experienced and amiable professionals that work round-the-clock to offer you support no matter what hour of day or night it is. They also offer enterprise-grade SLAs which guarantee a high uptime of 99.9%.
  • You can also benefit from their carrier-neutral data centers which let you choose the best network provider to get the highest possible uptime. Go4hosting has received many awards in the past for its services and rich experience. It uses the most advanced technologies and offers custom-made solutions which can successfully meet your robust business requirements.